19 Mar, 2020
[News] I-ON Communications organized a Sports ICT Conference in California
I-ON Communications Co., Ltd. (“I-ON”, “Company”), an expert in unstructured data management, Sports Tech industry leader in Korea and emerging player on the global scene, organized a Sports ICT Conference in California.

[I-ON Sports ICT Conference Participants]
The company organized a Sports ICT conference at St. Bernard High School in California. Sports Tech experts, coaches, agents and scouts, participated in this event and shared their ideas about innovation in Sports Technology. Former NFL Vice President Jamie Hemann, also took part in the conference and joined the discussion about recent trends in the recreational sports ICT industry.
[Former NFL Vice President Jamie Hemann speaks at I-ON Sports ICT Conference]
I-ON Communications also presented its recreational sports ICT use case, did a demonstration of the game assistance service technology, and had the chance to meet up with various buyers. After the event, I-ON signed a purchase contract with a local sports marketing company for video based game assistance system, and MOU with a company operating an American Football league.
This is one more step forward for I-ON advancement to the US Sports ICT market. The Company has been providing its enterprise-level data management software and digital solutions for more than 20 years and is now focusing on developing Sports ICT solutions and projects. Recently I-ON acquired a patent for “Stadium audience service system using IoT devices” which will incorporate I-ON technology in sports stadiums for providing various services to the audience such as reserving game tickets, finding a reserved seat, buying goods, and a wide variety of other sport stadium related services. With its recent projects, events and patents, I-ON is reaffirming its position as a Sports Tech leader in Korea and is going forward to conquering the global sports ICT market.